Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bargains and antiques

My mom had to buy a vacuum cleaner bag at Sears yesterday, and in passing through I saw clearance signs, which are my kryptonite. I left with this top for $7.99:

It's really detailed and pretty nice for the price, the picture doesn't really convey that. I also picked up a peach colored tank top with a cute ruffly collar and bow thingy for $3. I can't find a picture of that online though, and it's not really worth the effort to photograph it. Can't really beat $3 though!

I just clicked the tv onto the Antiques Roadshow, and this gorgeous cabinet appeared. It's a 1680 era Italian curio cabinet. They also called it a coin cabinet. If I had woodworking and glass skills I'd make a knockoff of it. The photo doesn't do it justice, on the television it looked amazing. The video on this page shows some close-ups. The antique is worth around $5,000, I can see Anthropology knocking it off and charging twice that much!

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