Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shock socks

I admit, socks with sandals is a fashion atrocity in my eyes. Until now. Maybe.

I just saw these socks at Sock Dreams. They're called Tabi socks.
TABI SOCKS or split-toe socks have been worn in Japan since the sixteenth century, reaching their peak during the Edo period (1600-1868). They were developed to wear with sandals & wooden clogs called geta. There is a special place for your big toe. Lots of people wear Tabi socks~ People who practice Japanese martial arts like Aikido and Karate wear Tabi socks and so do Taiko drummers, Suzuki actors and traditional Japanese folk dancers. According to Shiatsu theory, wearing Tabi socks benefits the back, the spine, and the digestion due to the acupuncture meridians located between the toes.

Okay, I guess that's cool. Actually, I welcome socks that are actually made to accommodate flip-flops. I think if they weren't made for that purpose they're dorky though, sorry.


C A said...

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Tundrababe said...

Thank you! :-)